The cooperation will prepare workers in the mining sector who are leaving the mines to work as wind turbine technicians and service technicians.
The “Wiatr – kopalnia możliwośc” [“Wind – a Mine of Opportunity”] program aims to help miners and other workers in the mining sector acquire skills and knowledge that will enable them to change careers and become competent in operating and servicing onshore wind farm installations.
EDF Renewables is looking at its presence in Poland on a long-term basis, which is why investments in competence and personnel development are the cornerstone of our company’s operations. In addition, we believe that one of the most important elements of our business is working with local communities and taking actions that positively affect their quality of life. We want to be an active participant in a just transition and take care of the development of competencies of employees leaving Polish mines. – explains Alicja Chilińska-Zawadzka, president of EDF Renewables in Poland.
The training will equip employees in the mining sector with competencies that the labor market will expect over the next several decades.
The energy transition is a reality. We believe that it should be carried out in a way that takes into account the principles of social solidarity and justice. Our task – as the Polish government – is to provide attractive jobs for employees leaving the coal sector and to provide them with opportunities to develop their competencies so that they can take up employment in the area of new energy – says Marek Wesoły, Member of the Polish Parliament, Vice-Minister of State Assets, Government Plenipotentiary for the Transformation of Energy Companies and Coal Mining.
The SRK will handle the recruitment process. Workers from mines slated for extinction will be qualified to attend the course.
I am glad that through this cooperation we can support the professional development of people who, after leaving the mines, may still be professionally active for many years to come. Acquiring new competencies will be a guarantee for them to receive job offers in the RES sector, which, according to PEP2040, will play an increasingly important role in Poland’s energy mix – stresses Janusz Smolillo, president of the SRK.
The training program developed by the training company Vulcan Training & Consultancy complies with standards of the Global Wind Organization, the Office of Technical Inspection (UDT) and the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers. This means that those who pass the course will be able to work installing and servicing turbines not only in Poland, but around the world.
The course we offer meets all international standards. Miners will receive internationally recognized credentials issued by the Global Wind Organization unit. In addition to the practical part, the course also includes learning specialized phrases and issues in English and meeting with experts in the wind energy sector – explains Artur Ambroziewicz, CEO of Vulcan Training & Consultancy, which implements the training program for miners.
The training program was held under the patronage of Marek Wesoły – Deputy State Assets Minister, Jarosław Wieczorek – Governor of Silesia, Grzegorz Tobiszowski – Member of the European Parliament.
The first round of training is scheduled for fall 2023. Employees wishing to participate can apply directly to SRK’s Human Resources and HR Policy Department tel. 32 432-10-38, 32 432-10-32, and through a form on the website The training organizers have also set up a hotline for those interested in training at phone number: 693,673,050, open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Source: EDF Renewables
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