Earlier this year, Benthic, a Geo-services brand in Acteon’s Data and Robotics division, completed a site investigation comprising cone penetration tests (CPTs) using its portable remotely operated drill (PROD) that has enabled the design of foundations for about 100 wind turbines and two offshore substations for the Baltyk II and III wind farms offshore Poland in the Baltic Sea. The work for the developments, which are 50–50 joint venture between Norwegian energy company Equinor and Polish power utility company Polenergia, was performed at 16 locations in 40–55 m water depths.

The PROD unit, supported by the survey services of Acteon Geo-services brand UTEC, was deployed from the Ocean Zephyr offshore supply vessel. The geotechnical work began in December 2022 and the three-month project was completed in March 2023. Wind farm construction is expected to start in early 2024, and the first power export is anticipated in 2026.

“We wish to thank Equinor and Polenergia for entrusting us with their Baltyk II and III wind farm development plans,” says Jonathan Watt, Benthic Managing Director. “Our PROD unit encountered some of the most challenging soil conditions we have seen to date, including layers of dense sands and medium-dense silty sands, and the project showcased PROD’s capability to perform in varying subsurface conditions. A huge congratulations must be extended to all the project participants and stakeholders for a safely executed project and one which supports Poland’s energy transition.”

Source: Acteon

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