Democrats Suffer a Comey Flashback
The special counsel’s report on President Biden instantly recalled how James Comey concluded his investigation of Hillary Clinton.
last news of the week
Democrats Suffer a Comey Flashback
The special counsel’s report on President Biden instantly recalled how James Comey concluded his investigation of Hillary Clinton.
In Tucker Carlson Interview, Putin Suggests a Peace Deal
The Russian leader clearly believes he can now negotiate from strength, but the message in the Tucker Carlson interview was muddled, critics say.
Trump’s Fever Dream of Immunity Meets Its Match
The man who would be king comes up against a three-judge panel.
The Challenges of an Aging President
Biden can do more to address the American public’s concerns about his age.
Is the Senate Becoming the House? A Border Bill’s Failure Exposes Chaos in the GOP.
The failure of border legislation exposed serious fault lines among Senate Republicans that rivaled the G.O.P. discord across the Rotunda.
Ukraine’s New Military Chief Faces Same Problems as Zaluzhny
As Gen. Oleksandr Syrsky assumes his role, he must reckon with a grim calculus: When does the cost of defending ground outweigh any benefit gained by inflicting pain on the enemy?
S&P 500 Closes Above 5,000 for First Time
The index is up TK percent this year.
Matt Rosendale Enters Montana Senate Race, Kicking Off Republican Fight
Donald J. Trump endorsed Tim Sheehy hours after one of Mr. Trump’s longtime allies entered the race. Some party leaders had hoped to avoid a contested primary.
Chief Witness Against Gaetz Is Cooperating With House Ethics Investigation
A year after the Justice Department decided not to bring charges against Representative Matt Gaetz in a sex-trafficking investigation, the House Ethics Committee is moving forward with an inquiry into him.
The Disgusting Furor Over Biden’s Age
Many people have trouble remembering dates. And his opponent’s rants are far worse.
Biden and the Question of Age: When Does Old Become Too Old?
Polling shows it’s a broad concern expressed about President Biden, not just one person’s opinion.
Marek Balawajder odchodzi z RMF FM po 27 latach. Choć prowadzone w dziale informacji RMF FM postępowanie nie potwierdziło zarzutów mobbingu, stwierdziło jednak, że miały miejsce zachowania uznane za naruszenie kodeksu postępowania firmy — podała Grupa Bauer Media. Informacja o nowym dyrektorze działu informacji RMF FM ma zostać podana w […]
Democrats Can No Longer Stay Silent About Biden
Trying to shield the president from public exposure will reinforce the impression that there’s something to hide.
Staggering Rise in Catheter Bills Suggests Medicare Scam
Seven medical supply companies made suspicious claims involving thousands of Medicare beneficiaries, an advocacy group found.
— Dwanaście klawiszy to rodzaj niewoli, w której żyje każdy pianista — przyznaje Leszek Możdżer, mówiąc o nowym albumie “Passacaglia”, nagranym wraz ze skrzypkiem i kompozytorem Adamem Bałdychem. W połowie lutego muzycy rozpoczną nową trasę koncertową. Onet Kultura Read More
Nie żyje dziennikarka i psychoterapeutka Daria Dziewięcka. Zmarła po ciężkiej chorobie nowotworowej w wieku 42 lat. Ostatnio była związana z TOK FM. “Była profesjonalistką. To, że jej już nie ma, jest dla nas nie do uwierzenia” — żegna się z nią redakcja. Są już informacje o pogrzebie. Onet Kultura Read More
Katarzyna Janowska i Dominik Jedliński ogłosili nominacje do O!LŚNIEŃ w kategorii FILM. Szanse na zdobycie nagrody mają: Paweł Maślona, Jacek Braciak, Robert Więckiewicz, Michał Kwieciński, Eryk Kulm jr. oraz Agnieszka Holland. Onet Kultura Read More
Katarzyna Janowska i Dominika Olszyna-Kniaź przedstawiły nominacje do O!LŚNIEŃ w kategorii SZTUKI WIZUALNE. Wyróżnieni artyści i kuratorzy to: Jakub Julian Ziółkowski, Delfina Jałowik, Angelika Markul, Krzysztof J. Czyżewski, Rafał Ochęduszko, Natalia Koziara-Ochęduszko. Onet Kultura Read More
Pro Sports in Las Vegas Aren’t Cheered by Everyone
The Super Bowl will be played at Allegiant Stadium, which received $750 million in public subsidies even as the city’s schools and other services have gone wanting.
How Two Irish Businessmen Almost Took Nigeria for $11 Billion
A mundane contractual provision met with rampant corruption — revealing a serious vulnerability in one of the backbones of international commerce.
How Two Irish Businessmen Almost Took Nigeria for $11 Billion
A mundane contractual provision met with rampant corruption — revealing a serious vulnerability in one of the backbones of international commerce.
How Two Irish Businessmen Almost Took Nigeria for $11 Billion
A mundane contractual provision met with rampant corruption — revealing a serious vulnerability in one of the backbones of international commerce.
How Two Irish Businessmen Almost Took Nigeria for $11 Billion
A mundane contractual provision met with rampant corruption — revealing a serious vulnerability in one of the backbones of international commerce.
How Two Irish Businessmen Almost Took Nigeria for $11 Billion
A mundane contractual provision met with rampant corruption — revealing a serious vulnerability in one of the backbones of international commerce.
How Two Irish Businessmen Almost Took Nigeria for $11 Billion
A mundane contractual provision met with rampant corruption — revealing a serious vulnerability in one of the backbones of international commerce.
How Two Irish Businessmen Almost Took Nigeria for $11 Billion
A mundane contractual provision met with rampant corruption — revealing a serious vulnerability in one of the backbones of international commerce.
How Two Irish Businessmen Almost Took Nigeria for $11 Billion
A mundane contractual provision met with rampant corruption — revealing a serious vulnerability in one of the backbones of international commerce.
How Two Irish Businessmen Almost Took Nigeria for $11 Billion
A mundane contractual provision met with rampant corruption — revealing a serious vulnerability in one of the backbones of international commerce.
How Two Irish Businessmen Almost Took Nigeria for $11 Billion
A mundane contractual provision met with rampant corruption — revealing a serious vulnerability in one of the backbones of international commerce.
How Two Irish Businessmen Almost Took Nigeria for $11 Billion
A mundane contractual provision met with rampant corruption — revealing a serious vulnerability in one of the backbones of international commerce.
How Two Irish Businessmen Almost Took Nigeria for $11 Billion
A mundane contractual provision met with rampant corruption — revealing a serious vulnerability in one of the backbones of international commerce.