The Pomeranian Voivode issued permits for the construction of the offshore part of the Baltica 2 wind farm project which is developed by PGE and Ørsted. They refer to the construction of wind turbines as well as the offshore substations. These are the last permits necessary before starting construction. Both […]
Poll Ranks Biden as 14th-Best President, With Trump Last
Poll Ranks Biden as 14th-Best President, With Trump Last
President Biden may owe his place in the top third to his predecessor: Mr. Biden’s signature accomplishment, according to the historians, was evicting Donald J. Trump from the Oval Office.
Intelligence Chairman Defends His Hints About a Russian Space Weapon
Intelligence Chairman Defends His Hints About a Russian Space Weapon
Representative Michael R. Turner, who drew criticism last week after releasing a cryptic statement about a new threat, said he wanted to avoid “an international crisis.”
Republicans Push Hard Line on Russia While Defending Trump’s NATO Comments
Republicans Push Hard Line on Russia While Defending Trump’s NATO Comments
Fearful of antagonizing the former president, congressional Republicans downplayed the remarks, instead lauding the former president’s record and criticizing President Biden.
Nagrody BAFTA 2024 rozdane! “Oppenheimer” Nolana najlepszym filmem [LISTA]
Poznaliśmy laureatów i laureatki nagród BAFTA 2024! Brytyjska Akademia Sztuk Filmowych i Telewizyjnych po raz 77. wręczyła swoje wyróżnienia. Kto został nagrodzony “brytyjskimi Oscarami”? Pierwszego laureata wieczoru poznaliśmy krótko po otwarciu gali: pierwsza statuetka powędrowała do twórców “Oppenheimera” za najlepszy montaż. Film zdobył łącznie siedem nagród, w tym za najlepszą […]
Navalny’s Death Shocked the World, but Will It Galvanize Opposition to Putin?
Navalny’s Death Shocked the World, but Will It Galvanize Opposition to Putin?
His death united world leaders and demonstrators in grief, but it also left Russia without a charismatic counterweight to its leader’s increasingly repressive policies.
For Harris, Promises to Ukraine Prove Harder to Make Amid G.O.P. Resistance
For Harris, Promises to Ukraine Prove Harder to Make Amid G.O.P. Resistance
Vice President Kamala Harris tried to reassure European and Ukrainian leaders that America would come through with security aid. But worries persist as House Republican leaders block the measure.
How Ukraine and Russia May Shift War Strategy After Avdiivka’s Fall
How Ukraine and Russia May Shift War Strategy After Avdiivka’s Fall
After the capture of Avdiivka, Ukrainian forces will need a new defensive line in unforgiving terrain, while Russia tries to press its advantage.
Wzruszający apel Bono w sprawie Nawalnego. “Wymówcie jego imię!” [WIDEO]
— Putin by nigdy nie wypowiedział jego imienia — powiedział w czasie koncertu w Los Angeles Bono, lider zespołu U2, apelując o uhonorowanie nieżyjącego Aleksieja Nawalnego. W piątek media poinformowały o śmierci 47-letniego rosyjskiego opozycjonisty. Przywódcy europejscy jednogłośnie stwierdzili, że winę za śmierć Nawalnego ponosi wyłącznie Kreml. Onet Kultura Read More
Avdiivka: The Death Throes of a Ukrainian City
Avdiivka: The Death Throes of a Ukrainian City
Toward the end of Russia’s long assault, hundreds of civilians still remained in Avdiivka. Those who escaped in the last weeks spoke of relentless devastation.
BAFTA 2024. Na czerwonym dywanie gromadzą się już gwiazdy. Emma Stone zachwyca [ZDJĘCIA]
Na czerwonym dywanie gali nagród BAFTA 2024 gromadzą się już światowe gwiazdy, w tym tegoroczni nominowani. Uroczysta gala wręczenia nagród Brytyjskiej Akademii Filmowej rozpocznie się o godz. 20.00 czasu polskiego. Na miejscu są już książę William, Emma Stone, Margot Robbie i Cillian Murphy. Zobaczcie zdjęcia! Onet Kultura Read More
A Stunned Russian Opposition in Exile Considers a Future Without Navalny
A Stunned Russian Opposition in Exile Considers a Future Without Navalny
The death of Aleksei A. Navalny in a Russian prison has been a blow to an opposition movement in which he was the figurehead. But it has also raised hopes of a united front against President Vladimir V. Putin.
In New York, the Trump Brand Is Costing Some Condo Owners
In New York, the Trump Brand Is Costing Some Condo Owners
When Donald J. Trump became president, condominiums in buildings emblazoned with his name began selling for less, according to an analysis.
BAFTA 2024 już dzisiaj. Gdzie i o której oglądać? Wszystko, co trzeba wiedzieć
W niedzielę wieczorem poznamy laureatów nagród BAFTA 2024, czyli “brytyjskich Oscarów”. Liderem w wyścigu po statuetki jest “Oppenheimer” Christophera Nolana. Nominację otrzymał także Polak za zdjęcia do “Strefy interesów” w reż. Jonathana Glazera. Gdzie i o której można oglądać uroczystą galę? Kto może dziś liczyć na nagrodę? Zebraliśmy wszystkie szczegóły […]
A Union Leader in Nebraska Tries to Leap to the Senate on Labor’s Strength
A Union Leader in Nebraska Tries to Leap to the Senate on Labor’s Strength
Dan Osborn led a strike in 2021 against the Kellogg’s plant in Omaha. Now he is challenging Senator Deb Fischer as an independent in deep-red Nebraska.
Haley Says She Is Going the Distance Against Trump. Here’s Her Plan.
Haley Says She Is Going the Distance Against Trump. Here’s Her Plan.
The former South Carolina governor is expected to lose big in her home state. Beyond that, it’s an even steeper climb.
Nature Has Value. Could We Literally Invest in It?
Nature Has Value. Could We Literally Invest in It?
“Natural asset companies” would put a market price on improving ecosystems, rather than on destroying them.
Nature Has Value. Could We Literally Invest in It?
Nature Has Value. Could We Literally Invest in It?
“Natural asset companies” would put a market price on improving ecosystems, rather than on destroying them.
Nature Has Value. Could We Literally Invest in It?
Nature Has Value. Could We Literally Invest in It?
“Natural asset companies” would put a market price on improving ecosystems, rather than on destroying them.
Nature Has Value. Could We Literally Invest in It?
Nature Has Value. Could We Literally Invest in It?
“Natural asset companies” would put a market price on improving ecosystems, rather than on destroying them.
Nature Has Value. Could We Literally Invest in It?
Nature Has Value. Could We Literally Invest in It?
“Natural asset companies” would put a market price on improving ecosystems, rather than on destroying them.
Nature Has Value. Could We Literally Invest in It?
Nature Has Value. Could We Literally Invest in It?
“Natural asset companies” would put a market price on improving ecosystems, rather than on destroying them.
Nature Has Value. Could We Literally Invest in It?
Nature Has Value. Could We Literally Invest in It?
“Natural asset companies” would put a market price on improving ecosystems, rather than on destroying them.
Nature Has Value. Could We Literally Invest in It?
Nature Has Value. Could We Literally Invest in It?
“Natural asset companies” would put a market price on improving ecosystems, rather than on destroying them.
Nature Has Value. Could We Literally Invest in It?
Nature Has Value. Could We Literally Invest in It?
“Natural asset companies” would put a market price on improving ecosystems, rather than on destroying them.
Nature Has Value. Could We Literally Invest in It?
Nature Has Value. Could We Literally Invest in It?
“Natural asset companies” would put a market price on improving ecosystems, rather than on destroying them.
Nature Has Value. Could We Literally Invest in It?
Nature Has Value. Could We Literally Invest in It?
“Natural asset companies” would put a market price on improving ecosystems, rather than on destroying them.
Nature Has Value. Could We Literally Invest in It?
Nature Has Value. Could We Literally Invest in It?
“Natural asset companies” would put a market price on improving ecosystems, rather than on destroying them.
Nature Has Value. Could We Literally Invest in It?
Nature Has Value. Could We Literally Invest in It?
“Natural asset companies” would put a market price on improving ecosystems, rather than on destroying them.
Nature Has Value. Could We Literally Invest in It?
Nature Has Value. Could We Literally Invest in It?
“Natural asset companies” would put a market price on improving ecosystems, rather than on destroying them.
Nature Has Value. Could We Literally Invest in It?
Nature Has Value. Could We Literally Invest in It?
“Natural asset companies” would put a market price on improving ecosystems, rather than on destroying them.