The Wife of Haiti’s Assassinated President Is Accused in His Killing
Martine Moïse, the widow of President Jovenel Moïse, was charged by a Haitian judge with conspiring in his assassination. She was seriously injured in the attack.
last news of the week
The Wife of Haiti’s Assassinated President Is Accused in His Killing
Martine Moïse, the widow of President Jovenel Moïse, was charged by a Haitian judge with conspiring in his assassination. She was seriously injured in the attack.
Israeli military operations reduce the functioning of two hospitals in southern Gaza to nearly nothing.
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What Is a Species, Anyway?
Some of the best known species on Earth may not be what they seem.
What Is a Species, Anyway?
Some of the best known species on Earth may not be what they seem.
What Is a Species, Anyway?
Some of the best known species on Earth may not be what they seem.
What Is a Species, Anyway?
Some of the best known species on Earth may not be what they seem.
What Is a Species, Anyway?
Some of the best known species on Earth may not be what they seem.
What Is a Species, Anyway?
Some of the best known species on Earth may not be what they seem.
What Is a Species, Anyway?
Some of the best known species on Earth may not be what they seem.
What Is a Species, Anyway?
Some of the best known species on Earth may not be what they seem.
Teachers Are Missing More School, and There Are Too Few Substitutes
In some districts, teachers are taking more sick days since the pandemic. A shortage of substitutes can make matters worse.
Brazil’s President Lula Recalls Ambassador to Israel, Escalating a Dispute
The Israeli foreign minister said Mr. Lula was not welcome in the country until he took back remarks comparing Israeli actions in the war against Hamas to the Holocaust.
Trump Breaks Silence on Navalny Death, but Doesn’t Condemn Putin
His winding social media post on Monday contained no reference to Vladimir V. Putin, the Russian president, who has been widely condemned after the death of one of his most vocal critics, Aleksei A. Navalny.
Inside Aleksei Navalny’s Final Months, in His Own Words
Trump. Indian food. Matthew Perry. And books, books, books. Excerpts from letters obtained by The Times show Mr. Navalny’s active mind, even amid brutal prison conditions.
I kolejna niespodzianka przed oficjalnym startem nadchodzącej trasy koncertowej sanah. Wokalistka krzyczy “Hip Hip Hurra” i zaprasza na bajkowe występy. Niedawno artystka adoptowała nawet hipopotama. Onet Kultura Read More
Luna została oficjalną reprezentantką Polski w konkursie Eurowizja 2024. To piosenka “The Tower” powalczy o zwycięstwo w Szwecji. Sprawdzamy, o czym opowiada utwór. W jego kontekście piosenkarka wspomina “wyjście z mroku i ciemności”. Onet Kultura Read More
Navalny’s Widow Pledges to Carry On Opposition Leader’s Work
The sudden death of Aleksei Navalny left a vacuum in Russia’s opposition. His wife, Yulia Navalnaya, signaled that she would try to fill the void.
Navalny’s Widow Pledges to Carry On Opposition Leader’s Work
The sudden death of Aleksei Navalny left a vacuum in Russia’s opposition. His wife, Yulia Navalnaya, signaled that she would try to fill the void.
Navalny’s Widow Pledges to Carry On Opposition Leader’s Work
The sudden death of Aleksei Navalny left a vacuum in Russia’s opposition. His wife, Yulia Navalnaya, signaled that she would try to fill the void.
Navalny’s Widow Pledges to Carry On Opposition Leader’s Work
The sudden death of Aleksei Navalny left a vacuum in Russia’s opposition. His wife, Yulia Navalnaya, signaled that she would try to fill the void.
Navalny’s Widow Pledges to Carry On Opposition Leader’s Work
The sudden death of Aleksei Navalny left a vacuum in Russia’s opposition. His wife, Yulia Navalnaya, signaled that she would try to fill the void.
Navalny’s Widow Pledges to Carry On Opposition Leader’s Work
The sudden death of Aleksei Navalny left a vacuum in Russia’s opposition. His wife, Yulia Navalnaya, signaled that she would try to fill the void.
Navalny’s Widow Pledges to Carry On Opposition Leader’s Work
The sudden death of Aleksei Navalny left a vacuum in Russia’s opposition. His wife, Yulia Navalnaya, signaled that she would try to fill the void.
Navalny’s Widow Pledges to Carry On Opposition Leader’s Work
The sudden death of Aleksei Navalny left a vacuum in Russia’s opposition. His wife, Yulia Navalnaya, signaled that she would try to fill the void.
Navalny’s Widow Pledges to Carry On Opposition Leader’s Work
The sudden death of Aleksei Navalny left a vacuum in Russia’s opposition. His wife, Yulia Navalnaya, signaled that she would try to fill the void.
Określana mianem “białego złota” stała się synonimem wspaniałości, bogactwa i wyjątkowości na królewskich dworach, wśród arystokracji i szlachty. Porcelana w XVIII wieku nie tylko dorównała dalekowschodnim pierwowzorom, ale wręcz je prześcignęła, znacząco zmieniając również obraz społeczeństwa, w którym zatriumfowała swoboda wyobraźni, jak ujął to przed laty prof. Mariusz Karpowicz opisujący […]
— Czuję, że Polska się zmienia. Czuję tę zmianę wewnątrz i czuję, że Polska jest gotowa w końcu zorganizować Eurowizję, o której marzymy od dawna. To naprawdę dobra zmiana. Mam nadzieję, że współpraca z TVP przy występie będzie przyjemna — mówi Luna, która już maju będzie reprezentować Polskę w Konkursie […]
Gdy kolejna osoba z upartyjnionej przez PiS TVP znajduje zatrudnienie w Telewizji Republika, pojawiają się głosy sprzeciwu dotyczące niedawnego zamieszania ze stacją Tomasza Sakiewicza. Czytamy o “naruszeniu zasad”. Uwagę zwracają nazwiska pod listem protestacyjnym, z którym korespondują specjalne komunikaty. Onet Kultura Read More
W Hollywood, miejscu gdzie długotrwałe związki to prawdziwy rarytas, para, taka jak Kevin Bacon i Kyra Sedgwick, która jest ze sobą już 35 lat, jest po prostu wyjątkiem. Okazuje się jednak, że nie tylko to ich wyróżnia. Onet Kultura Read More
Navalny’s Widow Pledges to Carry On Opposition Leader’s Work
The sudden death of Aleksei Navalny left a vacuum in Russia’s opposition. His wife, Yulia Navalnaya, signaled that she might try to fill the void.
Navalny’s Widow Pledges to Carry On Opposition Leader’s Work
The sudden death of Aleksei Navalny left a vacuum in Russia’s opposition. His wife, Yulia Navalnaya, signaled that she might try to fill the void.