After Alabama’s IVF Ruling, Women Ask: What Now?
Some women wonder whether they will now have to pay to keep extra embryos stored permanently, or face criminal charges if they are disposed of.
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After Alabama’s IVF Ruling, Women Ask: What Now?
Some women wonder whether they will now have to pay to keep extra embryos stored permanently, or face criminal charges if they are disposed of.
Pro-Trump Internet Trolls Escalate Ugly Attacks on Nikki Haley
For most of the campaign, Ms. Haley was spared the full force of former President Donald J. Trump’s devoted online following. No longer.
Stocks Jump as Nvidia Sets Off Tech Rally
It was the S&P 500’s best day in more than a year, and the tech-heavy Nasdaq composite rose 3 percent.
Stocks Jump as Nvidia Sets Off Tech Rally
It was the S&P 500’s best day in more than a year, and the tech-heavy Nasdaq composite rose 3 percent.
Stocks Jump as Nvidia Sets Off Tech Rally
It was the S&P 500’s best day in more than a year, and the tech-heavy Nasdaq composite rose 3 percent.
Stocks Jump as Nvidia Sets Off Tech Rally
It was the S&P 500’s best day in more than a year, and the tech-heavy Nasdaq composite rose 3 percent.
Stocks Jump as Nvidia Sets Off Tech Rally
It was the S&P 500’s best day in more than a year, and the tech-heavy Nasdaq composite rose 3 percent.
Stocks Jump as Nvidia Sets Off Tech Rally
It was the S&P 500’s best day in more than a year, and the tech-heavy Nasdaq composite rose 3 percent.
Stocks Jump as Nvidia Sets Off Tech Rally
It was the S&P 500’s best day in more than a year, and the tech-heavy Nasdaq composite rose 3 percent.
Tammy Murphy’s Campaign Manager Departs After Rocky Start to Senate Race
Aides to Ms. Murphy, New Jersey’s first lady, said there would be no immediate replacement for Max Glass, who has led the campaign for about three months.
As China Expands Its Hacking Operations, a Vulnerability Emerges
New revelations underscore the degree to which China has ignored, or evaded, U.S. efforts to curb its extensive computer infiltration efforts.
Stocks Jump as Nvidia Sets Off Tech Rally
It was the S&P 500’s best day in more than a year, and the tech-heavy Nasdaq composite rose more than 3 percent.
Abortion Laws, Accidents and Lax Rules Now Imperil Fertility Industry
Fertility clinics are routinely sued by patients for errors that destroy embryos, as happened in Alabama. An effort to define them legally as “unborn children” has raised the stakes.
Navalny’s Mother Blasts Russia Over Son’s Remains as Putin Rides Nuclear-Capable Bomber
She said Russian authorities told her they would not release his remains unless she agreed to a “secret funeral.” Meanwhile, Aleksei Navalny’s widow met with President Biden.
AT&T Says It’s ‘Working Urgently’ To Fix Widespread Cellular Outage
White House officials said the incident was under investigation, but it did not appear to be a cyberattack. Verizon and T-Mobile said their networks were operating normally.
Supreme Court Allows $2.4 Billion Boy Scouts Sex Abuse Deal to Go Forward
The justices denied an emergency request by a group of victims to pause the deal, allowing the settlement to proceed.
Andrzej Duda “nie widzi podstaw” do posądzenia prezesa NBP Adama Glapińskiego o złamanie zasad neutralności i politycznej bezstronności. “Prezes Glapiński przez ostatnie lata prowadził bardzo skuteczną politykę monetarną i finansową” — stwierdził prezydent. Business Insider Read More
Google Chatbot’s A.I. Images Put People of Color in Nazi-Era Uniforms
The company has suspended Gemini’s ability to generate human images while it vowed to fix the historical inaccuracy.
Where Yale Has Gone, Other Universities Will Follow
Testing is one way for students without rich-kid résumés to shine.
Baza danych osobowych może być pod pewnymi warunkami sprzedana w postępowaniu egzekucyjnym, nawet jeśli osoby, których te dane dotyczą, nie wyraziły na to zgody – ocenił w opublikowanej w czwartek opinii rzecznik generalny Trybunału Sprawieliwości UE w Luksemburgu Priit Pikamae. Sprawa dotyczy procesu toczącego się w Polsce. – […]
Co jest najtrudniejsze podczas rozmowy rekrutacyjnej? Z najnowszego badania firmy Hays Poland wynika, że najbardziej kłopotliwe jest pytanie o oczekiwane zarobki. Kandydaci boją się, że podana kwota po prostu okaże się nie do przeskoczenia dla potencjalnego pracodawcy. Business Insider Read More
London Fashion Week Street Style Photos: Still Original After 40 Years
On its 40th anniversary, London Fashion Week drew crowds that showcased the city’s knack for surprising style.
PKP Intercity zdecydowało się pomóc pasażerom, którzy zgubili swój bagaż w pociągu. Udostępniono nową funkcjonalność, dzięki której można prowadzić poszukiwania swoich przedmiotów bez wychodzenia z domu. Business Insider Read More
Biden Called Putin a ‘Crazy S.O.B.’ The Kremlin Called Biden a ‘Cowboy.’
The comments were a blunt tit-for-tat between the two adversaries.
The Paradox Holding Back the Clean Energy Revolution
What the Las Vegas Sphere reveals about the climate crisis.
Alabama’s I.V.F. Ruling Shows Our Slide Toward Theocracy
To those advancing Christian nationalism, the will of God counts more than the will of the American people.
N.Y. Republicans Pick a Former Police Detective to Challenge Gillibrand
Mike Sapraicone, who runs a security firm and positions himself as a moderate, was elevated as the preferred Republican nominee. Two more conservative candidates vowed primary challenges.
Black Student’s Suspension Over Hairstyle Didn’t Violate Law, Texas Judge Rules
The trial was the latest development in a case that has prompted scrutiny of education policies and race in the United States.
Prezydent Andrzej Duda w wywiadzie w “Gościu Wydarzeń” odniósł się do sytuacji prezesa NBP Adama Glapińskiego. – Prowadził bardzo skuteczną politykę monetarną i udało mu się pokonać inflację – wskazał A. Duda. Prezydent dodał, iż Glapiński zdał egzamin i radził sobie świetnie w zakresie tej polityki. Zdaniem Andrzeja Dudy, skuteczność […]
Potwierdzam, że skierowałam wniosek o zaopiniowanie przez radę nadzorczą kandydatury Doroty Bieniasz na prezeskę ZUS — przekazała portalowi Business Insider ministra rodziny, pracy i polityki społecznej Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bąk. – – biznes, podatki, prawo, finanse, wiadomości, praca Read More
Rosyjski przywódca w czwartek odbył krótki lot na pokładzie bombowca Tu-160M. Władimir Putin tym samym przetestował nową wersję maszyny, który ma być wykorzystany w razie ewentualnej wojny nuklearnej Business Insider Read More