On Senator Katie Britt’s Response to Biden’s State of the Union
Senator Katie Britt’s deeply misleading tale.
last news of the week
On Senator Katie Britt’s Response to Biden’s State of the Union
Senator Katie Britt’s deeply misleading tale.
Al Pacino Explains Awkward Oscars Moment Presenting Best Picture
The star, whose abrupt announcement that “Oppenheimer” had won best picture took some viewers by surprise, said the show’s producers had asked him not to name the other nominees.
The European Commission has today adopted the first-ever EU network code on cybersecurity for the electricity sector. Foreseen under the Electricity Regulation (EU) 2019/943 (Article 59) and in the 2022 EU Action Plan to digitalise the energy system, this delegated act is an important step to improve the cyber resilience […]
Altered Princess Kate Photo Creates PR Problem for Royal Family
A Mother’s Day photo was meant to douse speculation about the Princess of Wales’ health. It did the opposite — and threatened to undermine trust in the royal family.
Biden’s Budget Calls for Tax Increases on Corporations and the Wealthy
The budget, which would cut the deficit by $3 trillion over the next decade, reinforces Biden’s efforts to counter Republican tax proposals that Democrats deride as giveaways to the wealthy.
Biden’s $7.3 Trillion Budget Proposal Highlights Divide With Trump and GOP
The president’s $7.3 trillion budget proposal for the next fiscal year includes about $3 trillion in deficit reduction over a decade, largely from raising taxes on high earners and corporations.
Jan. 6 Testimony Fleshes Out Account of Trump’s Demand to Go to Capitol
But a newly released transcript of an interview of the Secret Service agent who drove Donald Trump’s vehicle that day disputes that he tried to grab the steering wheel or lunged at another agent.
Inside the 2024 Vanity Fair Oscars Party
The magazine welcomed the famous (and the fame-adjacent) while toasting itself for hosting the extravaganza 30 times over the years.
Inspekcje liniowe to zadania wykonywane w przeważającej większości firm z sektora przemysłu, produkcji, petro-chemicznego czy organizacji zarządzających infrastrukturą krytyczną. Są to żmudne i powtarzalne czynności o strategicznym znaczeniu Read More www.cire.pl – Wiadomości – Materiały problemowe
Menendez Pleads Not Guilty on Obstruction Charges
“Once again — not guilty,” Senator Robert Menendez, Democrat of New Jersey, said. His wife, Nadine Menendez, also pleaded not guilty.
Gaz w holenderskim hubie TTF tanieje w poniedziałek o ponad 5 proc., kontrakty na najbliższe miesiące są wyceniane na poziomie 25 euro za MWh Read More www.cire.pl – Wiadomości – Gazownictwo
Gaz w holenderskim hubie TTF tanieje w poniedziałek o ponad 5 proc., kontrakty na najbliższe miesiące są wyceniane na poziomie 25 euro za MWh Read More www.cire.pl – Wiadomości – gazownictwo
Why Democrats Are Hopeful in North Carolina and Nervous in Georgia
President Biden’s campaign and its allies are targeting both battlegrounds — but only one state has a highly controversial Republican nominee lower on the ballot.
How the A.I. That Drives ChatGPT Will Move Into the Physical World
Covariant, a robotics start-up, is designing technology that lets robots learn skills much like chatbots do.
“Oppenheimer,” My Uncle and the Secrets America Doesn’t Want to Tell
The Oscar-winning film centers on one man’s remarkable history. My uncle’s life tells a very different story about the fallout of the atomic bomb.
Oscars, Torn Between Past and Present, Still Had Some Fun
Even as the telecast indulged in the usual jokes, references to the 2023 strikes and current wars had their place, in our critics’ view.
Best Oscars Red Carpet Looks: Emma Stone, Colman Domingo and More
The red carpet at the Academy Awards had elegant, over-the-top and even political fashion. These were the best (and the not-so-best) outfits.
7 Covid Mysteries Scientists Are Starting to Unravel
Are superdodgers real? Is Covid seasonal? And what’s behind its strangest symptoms? Here’s what we’ve learned.
Princess Kate Apologizes For Editing Mother’s Day Photo
A Mother’s Day portrait of Catherine, Princess of Wales, with her three children shows a range of anomalies indicating it had been digitally altered.
Donna Langley, Universal Chair, Bet Big on ’Oppenheimer’
Under Donna Langley’s leadership, Universal has managed the rare feat of achieving creative dominance and commercial supremacy at the same time.
Biden Budget Will Underscore Divide With Republicans and Trump
The president’s fiscal 2025 budget proposal includes about $3 trillion in deficit reduction over a decade, largely from raising taxes on high earners and corporations.
Polska autorka Urszula Honek zdobyła nominację do prestiżowej nagrody literackiej Międzynarodowego Bookera za swoją książkę “Białe noce”, przetłumaczoną na język angielski przez Kate Webster. W tym roku konkurs ten zdominowała proza z Ameryki Południowej. Onet Kultura Read More
Best and Worst Moments From the 2024 Oscars
In a fairly even-keeled night, emotions still ran high, whether it was the rush of “I’m Just Ken” or heartfelt words from Rita Moreno to America Ferrera.
Po ważnej również dla Polski gali Oscary 2024 rozmawiamy z Bartkiem Raińskim. Koproducent nagrodzonego dwoma statuetkami filmu “Strefa interesów” ujawnia, jak ceremonia wyglądała od kulis. W kontekście zrealizowanego w naszym kraju tytułu wspomina o kluczowej zmianie. — Pamiętajmy, że nie wszystko widać na ekranie — mówi Onetowi, nawiązując do oscarowej […]
And the Award for Best Performance at the State of the Union Goes to …
Did Biden change anyone’s mind? And can he maintain the momentum?
Biden and Netanyahu at Odds Over Gaza, and Catherine’s Palace Photo Fans Rumors
Plus, highlights from last night’s Oscars
To jest niewątpliwie największy Polski plebiscyt czytelników! Ponad ćwierć miliona głosów internauci oddali w 9. edycji Plebiscytu Książka Roku 2023. Wśród nagrodzonych książek znalazły się między innymi: “Chłopki. Opowieść o naszych babkach” Joanny Kuciel-Frydryszak, “Sydonia. Słowo się rzekło” Elżbiety Cherezińskiej i “Schronisko, które przetrwało” Sławomira Gortycha. Tytuł ekranizacji roku 2023 […]
Princess Kate and the Royal Family: A Timeline of the Last Few Months
It’s been a busy few months for King Charles III and his family. There have been surgeries, health announcements, and one family photograph people can’t stop talking about.
Dania z makaronem są proste, a przede wszystkim to najłatwiejszy sposób, żeby zaspokoić głód. Makaron stanowi bazę, a od wybranych dodatków zależy charakter i smak konkretnego dania. Już sama różnorodność makaronów daje niemal nieograniczone możliwości łączenia ich z dowolnymi składnikami. Mamy kilka propozycji.
Overdose or Poisoning? A New Debate Over What to Call a Drug Death.
Grieving families want official records and popular discourse to move away from reflexive use of “overdose,” which they believe blames victims for their deaths.
A Showcase for Israeli Property Creates Rancor in a Diverse Town
A synagogue in Teaneck, N.J., hosted a show promoting real estate in Israel. Pro-Palestinian groups organized angry demonstrations outside.