Illinois and Other States Get Ready for 2nd Total Solar Eclipse in 7 Years
The rendezvous between the sun and the moon in 2017 captivated a small region in the Midwest. Lucky for Americans at the eclipse crossroads, they get to see it again.
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Illinois and Other States Get Ready for 2nd Total Solar Eclipse in 7 Years
The rendezvous between the sun and the moon in 2017 captivated a small region in the Midwest. Lucky for Americans at the eclipse crossroads, they get to see it again.
Trump Shares Video Featuring Image of a Hog-Tied Biden
The social media post reflects the increasingly violent and personal attacks that Donald J. Trump has employed during the presidential campaign.
Members-Only Mania: Why Are More Private Clubs Popping Up in New York?
Some people belong to multiple private clubs that have emerged to fill physical and emotional voids. Others belong only to Sam’s Club.
Crews at Site of Bridge Collapse Work on Removing First Piece of Debris
The governor of Maryland said that the search for missing victims would resume when the conditions for divers improve.
Revisiting Florida 2000 and the Butterfly Effect
The evidence is strong that, all else being equal, Al Gore would have won if not for an infamous ballot design in Palm Beach County.
What a New York Times Photographer Saw on a Gaza Airdrop
As humanitarian groups warn of a looming famine in northern Gaza, airdrops are playing a prominent role in efforts to deliver food and supplies, even if they are less efficient than delivery by truck.
Święta to idealny czas, żeby nadrobić dobre polskie i zagraniczne seriale, o których słyszeliśmy od znajomych od miesięcy. Przygotowaliśmy trzy propozycje, o których w ostatnich miesiącach jest głośno. Serial komediowy, a może kryminalny? Poniżej na pewno znajdziesz coś dla siebie. Przeglądamy trzy platformy: Netflix, Disney+ oraz Canal+. Onet Kultura Read More
An Idyll on the Shores of a Toxic Lake
The town of Bombay Beach, Calif., offers its residents a tight-knit community in the midst of catastrophe.
Baltimore Investigation After Collapse Turns to Ship’s Mechanical Failure
The Dali reported a power blackout and steering problems before hitting the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore. But what went wrong so far has not been explained.
Ksiądz Michał O., prezes Fundacji Profeto, został aresztowany na trzy miesiące. Organizacja, jak podała stacja TVN24, miała otrzymać blisko 100 mln zł dotacji z Funduszu Sprawiedliwości na rzecz budowy »Archipelagu – wysp wolnych od przemocy«. W sobotę Fundacja Profeto wydała oświadczenie, w którym czytamy: “Niestety w tym momencie sami czujemy […]
Wyspa Wielkanocna na Oceanie Spokojnym jest szczególnie znana z dziwnie wyglądających posągów moai. Przypominają one wydłużoną ludzką głowę bez ciała i ważą kilka ton. To jedno z najbardziej odległych miejsc na świecie jest jednym z najbardziej egzotycznych miejsc — przyciąga turystów w szczególności swoimi unikalnymi zabytkami i kulturą rdzennej ludności. […]
Some Potential Trump Witnesses Get Carrots. Michael Cohen Got the Stick.
Former President Donald J. Trump has taken different approaches to those who may testify at his trials. Some, he attacks publicly. Others he rewards for loyalty.
Katarzyna Grochola komentuje kontrowersyjną decyzję Szymona Hołowni, który nie wywiązał się z obietnicy podniesienia w Sejmie kwestii aborcji w pierwszych 100 dniach rządów. Znana pisarka tłumaczy, dlaczego nie ma tego za złe marszałkowi. W kwestii bieżącej polityki nawiązuje również do Zbigniewa Ziobry. — Nie wiem, czy on rzeczywiście jest chory, […]
Israel must work with the U.N., an aid official says.
Post Content
Donald Trump, Blasphemous Bible Thumper
Trump is, as the nuns who taught me used to say, “a bold, brazen piece.”
It’s Easter 2050. Here’s What American Religion Looks Like.
Alignments are shifting and will continue to do so.
‘Marriage Predicts Happiness Better than Education, Work and Money’
As evidence grows about the benefits of tying the knot, married people are poised to become a minority.
The Persistent Threat to Abortion Rights
A lawsuit that restricts a widely used abortion drug is unlikely to be the last challenge to Americans’ reproductive freedom.
The Perils of Intimacy
Finding mysteries in relationships that we thought held none.
In Praise of Tiny Triumphs
If full-on spring cleaning feels intimidating, why not focus instead on tasks that are far less ambitious but no less satisfying?
Episode 111 of our weekly podcast, summarising the most important news of the week, is ready to listen. You can listen to the new episode of “This week in Baltic Offshore Wind in 5 minutes” on Soundcloud, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts. This podcast is prepared especially for those […]
Why Is Sean Combs the Subject of a Homeland Security Investigation?
The department has a division that often directs inquiries into sex trafficking allegations, like those cited in recent lawsuits against Mr. Combs.
10 Senate Races to Watch in 2024
With Democrats holding a one-seat majority and defending seats from Maryland to Arizona, control of the Senate could easily flip to the G.O.P.
Troop-Starved Ukrainian Brigades Turn to Marketing to Attract Recruits
Many units, which say the official conscription system is dysfunctional and unwieldy, have started their own recruitment campaigns to fill ranks depleted in the war with Russia.
How S.M.U., Once the Rogue of College Sports, Got Back to the Big Time
For those wanting to trace the evolution of money and college sports over the past half-century, Southern Methodist offers a perfect example.
Komisja Europejska wyraziła zgodę na przejęcie VeloBanku przez fundusze zarządzane przez Cerberus Capital Management – podała Polska Agencja Prasowa. Komisja uznała, że transakcja nie niesie ze sobą zagrożenia ograniczenia konkurencji na rynku Forbes Polska Read More
Watch Live: Turkey’s Famous Stork
A 24-hour webcam allows stork lovers worldwide to watch Yaren, who returns to visit his human friend every year.
Wydarzenie organizuje Polskie Towarzystwo Elektrociepłowni Zawodowych Read More – Wiadomości – ciepłownictwo
A Loyal Israel Ally, Germany Shifts Tone as the Toll in Gaza Mounts
Supporting Israel is seen as a historic duty in Germany, but the worsening crisis has pushed German officials to ask whether that backing has gone too far.
Dispute in Israel Over Drafting Ultra-Orthodox Jews Threatens Netanyahu
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet is divided about whether ultra-Orthodox Jews should be required to join the Israeli army.
A Stork, a Fisherman and Their Unlikely Bond Enchant Turkey
Thirteen years ago, a stork landed on a fisherman’s boat looking for food. He has come back every year since, drawing national attention.