Trump and Alabama Have Laid Bare the Hypocrisy of the Pro-Life Movement
There is no longer a truly pro-life party in the United States.
last news of the week
Trump and Alabama Have Laid Bare the Hypocrisy of the Pro-Life Movement
There is no longer a truly pro-life party in the United States.
In Praise of Middle Managers
Amid a wider national atmosphere of division, distrust, bitterness and exhaustion, middle managers are the frontline workers trying to resolve tensions and keep communities working.
The Push for a Better Dengue Vaccine Grows More Urgent
A public research institute in Brazil has proved a new shot protects against the disease, but can’t make it fast enough to stop the huge outbreak sweeping Latin America.
A Timeline of O.J. Simpson’s Life: From Football Hero to Murder Defendant
He was a football star, actor, commercial pitchman, and a defendant in a gruesome double murder whose trial gripped the nation.
Republicans Are Fleeing the Stench of a Rotten Congress
The great 2024 exodus is all about Trump-era discord and dysfunction.
O.J. Simpson: Made in America, Made by TV
In O.J. Simpson’s life and trials, television was a spotlight, a microscope and a mirror.
Parlament Europejski zatwierdził w czwartek reformę rynku energii elektrycznej mającą zapobiegać nagłym wahaniom cen prądu. Przyjął też pakiet wodorowo-gazowy, który umożliwi blokowanie rosyjskiego LNG Read More – Wiadomości – energetyka
Harvard and CalTech Will Require Test Scores for Admission
The universities are the latest highly selective schools to end their policies that made submitting SAT or ACT scores optional.
Democrats Hammer a Simple Attack on Abortion: Donald Trump Did This
The party is unifying around a blunt message that Vice President Kamala Harris pushed for privately ahead of her Friday trip to Arizona, where Democrats hope to keep Republicans reeling.
Już nie zabraknie ci języka. Z tą funkcją na smartfonie dogadasz się wszędzie Spider’s Web Read More
‘Narco-deforestation’ and the future of the Amazon
NYT > Top StoriesThe fate of Colombia’s rainforest may lay in the hands of a rebel group linked to drugs and illegal mining.
Rusza rekrutacja na stanowiska prezesa ING Banku Śląskiego – taką decyzję 11 kwietnia podjęła rada nadzorcza banku. W 2025 roku wygaśnie mandat Brunona Bartkiewicza, który sprawuje urząd od 2016 roku. Read More
Orange z coraz lepszym zasięgiem. Pokazał, gdzie stacji bazowych jest najwięcej Spider’s Web Read More
O.J. Simpson, NFL Star Acquitted of Murder, Dies of Cancer at 76
He ran to football fame and made fortunes in movies. His trial for the murder of his former wife and her friend became an inflection point on race in America.
With Brute Force and Steel, This Artist Creates Works of Ephemeral Beauty
A YouTube rabbit hole led Blanka Amezkua to a small Mexican town and the centuries-old craft of papel picado — chiseling intricate patterns into colorful paper flags.
Patrzysz w telefon i widzisz, gdzie już odkurzyłeś. Twój salon ci podziękuje Spider’s Web Read More
Some NYC Restaurants Try Out Virtual Staff Who Take Orders Via Zoom
A few New York City restaurants are experimenting with virtual staff members, who greet customers onscreen via Zoom from the Philippines.
Aleksei Navalny Wrote a Memoir Before He Died in Prison. It’s Coming Oct. 22.
In the book, Navalny tells his story in his own words, chronicling his life, his rise as an opposition leader, and the attempts on his life.
Jackson Hinkle Rides Rage Over Israel to Prominence
Jackson Hinkle’s incendiary commentary has generated over two million new followers on X since October — a surge that some researchers say is aided by inauthentic accounts.
“Gdyby mama żyła, kochałaby Ozempic” — powiedziała niedawno w wywiadzie Melissa Rivers, córka jednej z najpopularniejszych komediantek w historii. Joan Rivers nie miała łatwego życia. Mąż popełnił samobójstwo, straciła pracę, a córka nie chciała jej znać. Ciężką pracą udało jej się zbudować wielomilionowe imperium. Po latach kpiła z całego swojego […]
Liberal Justice to Retire From Wisconsin Supreme Court, Leaving Control Uncertain
Justice Ann Walsh Bradley, whose term ends in July 2025, said she will not seek re-election. The race to replace her will decide whether the court has a liberal or conservative majority.
W Sejmie zakończyła się debata nad czterema projektami ustaw dotyczącymi zmian w prawie aborcyjnym. Na piątek 12 kwietnia zaplanowano głosowania w sprawie dalszych prac nad projektami. Prawo Read More
Dish Soap to Help Build Planes? Boeing Signs Off on Supplier’s Method.
An F.A.A. audit found Spirit AeroSystems using Dawn soap and a hotel key card in the manufacturing process. The company says its techniques were inventive, not careless.
Portfel Google zyskał nową funkcję. Zobacz, jak z niej skorzystać Spider’s Web Read More
iPhone’y polubiły się z używanymi częściami. To oznacza jedno Spider’s Web Read More
Tell Us About Your Man Cave
NYT > Top StoriesTimes Opinion asks readers to share what makes their man cave retreats special to them.
Tracing Charleston’s History of Slavery, From a Burial Ground to a DNA Swab
A quest to find living descendants of 36 enslaved people has transformed into a project that gives Black residents new clues to their ancestry, wherever it may lead.
What Happens When There Is No Food: Experts Say Severe Malnutrition Could Set in Swiftly in Gaza
Nutrition experts say the progression from hunger to severe malnutrition can be rapid, especially in children.
Global Stockpile of Cholera Vaccine Is Gone as Outbreaks Spread
One company is going to great lengths to build it up, but it will be years before it returns to the minimum level.
Ta decyzja może całkowicie odmienić branżę reklamową. Nadchodzą zmiany Spider’s Web Read More
Soft Landing or No Landing? Fed’s Economic Picture Gets Complicated.
Stubborn inflation and strong growth could keep the Federal Reserve wary about interest rate cuts, eager to avoid adding vim to the economy.