A ceremony was held yesterday to mark the completion of two power substations. Participants in the event were able to admire both structures on the Baltic Industrial Group’s quay in Gdynia – complete and ready for loading onto a specialised barge.
The Baltic Industrial Group (Grupa Przemysłowa Baltic GPB) – as heir to the heritage of the Gdansk Shipyard – is consistently striving to build an offshore industrial hub in the Tri-City and become a Tier-1 supplier for offshore wind energy projects. This strategy is actively supported by the Group’s owner, the Industrial Development Agency (Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu), seeing it as an opportunity to rebuild Polish industry in Pomerania.
– The Industrial Development Agency is already an important link in the supply chain for the Polish wind power industry. The huge investments made within the IDA Group companies to rebuild production capacity and their unquestionable experience of the offshore industry allow us to be part of the growing offshore industry. The power stations handed over today for the Baltic Power offshore wind farm are tangible proof of the competence and high quality of products coming from Polish factories, and the Baltic Towers offshore wind tower factory, which is being built next door, the largest and most modern offshore wind tower factory in Europe, will strengthen the Agency’s position as a leader in Poland’s energy transformation – said Radosław Niedzielski, Vice-President of the Industrial Development Agency S.A.
– Today’s handover of the substations for the Baltic Power offshore wind farm is the result of the involvement of many entities, including the IDA – a key player in the implementation of strategic investments in the offshore wind energy sector. I would like to thank everyone for their determination to bring this spectacular project to the completion phase, and in particular the entire GPB board. We would also like to thank the partners of Baltic Power in particular Orlen S.A. – said Jakub Dulski, Vice-President of the Industrial Development Agency S.A.
Press materials of ARP S.A.
– The realisation of this contract is an expression of the market’s renewed confidence in GPB. When, in May last year, we found the contract five months late, it seemed almost unrealistic to complete it successfully, Today, we are celebrating this success. We are consistently pursuing a policy of modernisation and sanitation of GPB, including the Gdansk Shipyard, which are the prerequisites for participation in the serious global energy and offshore business – added Jakub Dulski, Vice-President of the Industrial Development Agency S.A.
In the offshore wind farm project, substations have an important function – it is where the electricity generated by the wind turbines is converted and transmitted to land. Each of the two substations built by the Baltic Industrial Group for the Baltic Power project weighs about 1,300 tonnes and measures 20 x 40 x 40 metres, which is the size of a several-storey building. The work lasted almost two years and, at its peak, involved more than 400 employees of the Baltic Industrial Group’s plants in Gdansk and Gdynia: Baltic Operator and Energomontaż-Północ Gdynia.
– This project is a success story for the Baltic Industrial Group and all the employees who have been involved in the work over the past two years. We would like to thank our partners from Baltic Power who decided to entrust this responsible task to a Polish company from Pomerania for their confidence in us. We have proven that we have the necessary competences, we are ready for further offshore projects and active participation in the Polish energy transition – says Adam Kowalski, CEO of the Baltic Industrial Group, and adds: – Over the next several years, the OWE development programme in Poland will consume several hundred billion zlotys. As much of these funds as possible should stay in the country, strengthening the technological and production potential of Polish companies and their competitiveness, and contributing to Polish GDP and economic development. This project confirms that the Baltic Industrial Group has an important role to play.
Baltic Power is a joint venture between Orlen and Northland Power and one of the most advanced offshore wind power projects in Poland. Ultimately, the investment will supply 3% of the country’s energy needs. As part of the farm, 76 modern wind turbines, each with a capacity of 15 MW and a height of more than 250 m, are being built in an area of approximately 130 km². An important element of the Baltic Power farm will be two offshore substations, the construction of which was the responsibility of companies belonging to the Baltic Industrial Group.
By finalising the project, GPB, as a leader in the domestic offshore industry, has confirmed its unique competence, as well as its readiness and determination to become involved in the Polish offshore wind farm development programme, which is gaining momentum.
The Industrial Development Agency (Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu S.A.) is a 100% State Treasury-owned company with over 30 years of experience on the Polish market. It supports the development of Polish companies by financing investments and assisting in restructuring processes. IDA S.A. played a key role in the free-market transformation of the Polish economy. In the coming years it has ambitions to become one of the leaders of the energy transition. IDA S.A.’s new strategy. – ‘Clean Industry’ [“Czysty przemysł”] – focuses on investments in offshore wind energy, the hydrogen industry and space technologies. Industrial Development Agency S.A. has assets in 76 companies
Source: Press materials of ARP S.A.
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